Upcoming Workshops
1st-4th August
Yoga retreat Skåne
with Sara & Guy
29th Aug-1st Sept
Pranayama Level 1
with Sara & Guy
Contact us:
“Freedom is as immediate as breathing
and as fundamental as a footstep.”
Sayadaw U Pandita
About Sara
Sara began her professional journey as a classical musician, studying for 6 years at schools such as Malmö Music College and Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. She is now an “Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher” (ERYT) according to Yoga Alliance standards and a senior teacher at Samahita Retreat, one of the most successful yoga schools in Asia. She also writes and runs teacher training courses at Yogayama in Sweden.
Her body awareness began with studying gymnastics and martial arts from a young age…
About the book
“Yogahjärnan” was released in the spring of 2022. The book discusses the similarities between yoga practice and recent findings in modern psychology with focus on compassion therapy. Read more about Yogahjärnan with the publisher Volante by clicking the link below.
> Yogahjärnan
> Pressträff om Yogahjärnan hos Volante
Stay in touch! Sara and Guy are dividing their time between Sweden, England and The Azores.
Reach us wherever we are on:
Om Yoga
Ordet ”yoga” är inte längre något nytt för oss; idag är det ett ord med nästan lika vardaglig klang som ”sushi” eller ”mobilt bredband”. Det är ett begrepp av vår tid och många har någon gång på ett eller annat sätt kommit i kontakt med yoga, kanske via egen träning, via någon familjemedlem, vän eller bekant.
Hur vi idag närmar oss yoga är resultatet av en flera tusen år lång utveckling och människor fortsätter att tolka och möta yoga som metod på olika sätt. Traditionella tekniker blandas med moderna inslag och för den yogaintresserade finns numera många olika former att välja mellan. En yogaklass kan innebära allt från ångande akrobatik med pulserande musik, till den absoluta stillheten i en sittande andningsövning.
Klasser och kurser
Här finns alla kurser, workshops och klasser samlade, både nationellt och internationellt.
The word ”pranayama” is often translated as ”expansion or elongation of life force” and it represents one of the main methods of classical hatha yoga. In this tradition of yoga, pranayama is maybe the most highly regarded tool to be used for creating a greater contact with the inner world and more subtle parts of us as human beings. Through regular pranayama we prepare the body and mind for further meditation practices.
For the yogi, practicing pranayama means working with a group of breathing and cleansing techniques that will enhance health and that also, according to yogic tradition, have a more subtle effect on the vital life force (known as prana) itself.
The community
The pranayama community is growing steadily in the world and in Stockholm as well. Keeping up a regular practice is usually a challenge but can be supported by checking in with a teacher and meeting other fellow yogis with the same interest.
Pranayama Courses and Workshops
We would like to offer pranayama practitioners on all levels opportunities to meet for the deepening of their understanding of the breath and the Kaivalyadham method (länk till sida om Kaivalyadham). Read more about where and when down below.
We are looking forward to see you at some point during 2023.
Meet some of the teachers that make up an integral part of the pranayama community of Sweden.
We went to England at the beginning of March to spend 5 days with Guys mum and then head off on our usual 3 day drive to Switzerland through France. This was just before the virus outbreak got really bad in North of Italy and before most restrictions happened in the...
As newborn parents with a 7 week old little guy at home “me time” has quickly become a precious rarity. The breaks that arise here and there between all the feeding, nappy changing, comforting, carrying and playing needs to be evaluated carefully: Do you eat now? Have...
Lisbon airport 6.30 am. The lady at the check in disc looks at us with sad eyes and says: “sorry but your flight is cancelled, we are trying to rebook you on the next one, it’s not until 1.00 pm but we can offer you some food vouchers…”. After two changed departures...
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